
Due to the organization of the Packages, probably any change will requires appropriate changes on the sedentary package itself and on some DB engine dedicated extension as well.

In order to do that, the database engine dedicated extensions repositories are added as git submodule of the sedentary package repository.

Some make target have been added to support development of the packages together:

  • make [all] - performs the basic setup (npm install, npm link, and so on …) on all the packages

  • make clean - removes TypeScript produced files

  • make commit MESSAGE="" - performs git add . and git commit -m $MESSAGE in all the git repositories

  • make coverage - performs npm coverage on all the packages

  • make diff - performs git diff in all the git repositories

  • make doc - builds this documentation locally: requires sphinx

  • make outdated - runs npm outdated on all the packages

  • make pull - performs git pull in all the git repositories

  • make push - performs git push in all the git repositories

  • make status - performs git status in all the git repositories

  • make test - performs npm test on all the packages

  • make version VERSION="" - changes the versions, commits, tags and publishes everithing

Both the test and the coverage targets require to access a database: depending on the packages in the development worspace a connection parameter may be required. The connection parameters are the string representation of the JSON object that should passed to the connect method.

  • sedentary-pg: SPG
    • make coverage SPG='{"user":"postgres","password":"postgres"}'

    • make test SPG='{"user":"postgres","password":"postgres"}'